by dobbslg | May 4, 2020 | Blog
I get it, nobody gets excited about estate planning. Folks would rather postpone meeting with a lawyer and paying legal fees until a “better time”, or simply leave it to the kids to determine what will happen to the family farm after they pass. The fact is, the time...
by dobbslg | Jan 8, 2020 | Blog
This year’s Top Producer Summit will be held at the Chicago Hilton beginning on January 28, 2020 and continuing through January 30, 2020. As part of the conference, the Farm Journal Legacy Project – Drive 2020: All Systems Go – will be held on January 28, 2020, and...
by dobbslg | Dec 31, 2019 | Conferences, Podcasts
I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Chip Flory for AgriTalk earlier this month about how pre-nups can be used to help prevent the family farm from being divided in the event of a divorce. This interview can be heard here. Today, around half of all marriages...
by dobbslg | Dec 12, 2019 | America's Top Producer Conference, Blog
At one time, a top concern for many farm owners was how to prevent losing the family farm to pay estate taxes upon the death of the owner. Today, with the higher than ever federal estate tax exemption, losing the farm as a result of estate taxes is usually not the...
by dobbslg | Oct 1, 2019 | Blog
I’m pleased to have been interviewed about asset transfer by The Angus Report in connection with a presentation that a colleague and I gave at the 2018 Angus Convention in Columbus, Ohio. This interview can be seen here. Below is an overview of a number of important...